Thanks for Taking Your (Grand)Kids Camping
After months of skipping from campground to campground (to winery), suddenly the parks are chock full of kids.
The fact that it is spring break has been hard to miss at our last several stops. Children spill out of campsites in small packs, trying to “stay out of trouble” while canvassing the area for like-minded contemporaries. They’re siblings, cousins, friends and neighbors—and they’re thrilled to be here. It doesn’t matter that they’re only allowed to ride their bikes around the campground loop, that’s great! So is eating outside! And hunting for firewood! In your pajamas! It’s all great!
I love seeing kids enjoy the outdoors. It’s what I do for work and it brings back some of my happiest childhood memories. I’m a true believer. That’s why I’m “camping” my way across the country. But I’m not doing it with 6 kids. That takes a really special person.
Who are the brave souls spending their vacation vastly outnumbered by children under the age of 10? If our neighbors are any indication, it’s the grandparents.
Three stops ago, we watched a pair enter the park towing a trailer full of bikes in advance of two carloads of kids, dropped off by their parents. At the next stop, I swear there were 10 people sleeping in one trailer—and I only ever saw one adult. He looked tired. Our neighbors here at Woolly Hollow State Park have a group of 4. They seem to be taking a more moderate approach. Grandma and grandpa are tag-teaming and the kids are sleeping in a makeshift SUV tent.
Time spent in nature is so important to kids. Hats off to everyone who’s gone camping with kids, but especially to grandparents. You’re making memories that will last a lifetime.